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Hidden Treasures: Pranzo, a village and its crafts


Duration in hours
Distance in km
Suggested period

A visit to the open air art installation in the village of Pranzo (Tenno): wooden panels made by the local school of sculpture in honour of the trades and professions of days gone by.

The trail with the theme of traditional trades takes you on a tour of Pranzo and recalls both the workshops in the small town and the public places where the collective life of the community took place.

The large panels which make up the installation are all sculpted in wood -Stone Pine, for the most part – by the students and teachers of the Scuola del legno of Pranzo, a small school of woodworking which has earned itself a name in recent years.

They record old stories about activities which are typical to the local area and give their names in local dialect. These are trades and professions which date back to the mid-20th century, but which are connected with an unbroken tradition with roots in centuries past. Pranzo, a town with many workshops, factories, laboratories and production facilities, invites you to come and discover these old jobs and get a glimpse of what is now a part of  local history.

Further information and useful links

For more information on routes, services (guides, mountain huts, shops etc.) and hiking friendly accommodation: Garda Trentino - +39 0464 554444

Route info
Route number
1,3 km
30 min
Altitude difference (+)
62 m
Altitude difference (-)
58 m
Physical effort
Highest point
516 m
Lowest point
454 m

This itinerary can be treated like a game for all the family: try to guess what job is being depicted in each of the panels!

Pranzo, the name of this little district of Tenno, is associated with a local legend which tells the story of Lake Tenno. There was once a little village just like all the others scattered all around the mountain side in the Tenno area, in the place where the lake now stands. When shortly after the year 1000 it was buried by the great landslide which formed the lake, the superstitious inhabitants moved to the other side of the valley and built a new town which they called Pranzo (lunch), in memory of the time of day when the mass of earth broke away and changed their lives forever.

Historically speaking, the first settlement in Pranzo is mentioned as far back as 771, but it is probably of far more ancient (Roman) origin. The town was probably abandoned after a great earthquake at the beginning of the 11th century (the cataclysm which actually led to the formation of Lake Tenno) and the inhabitants rebuilt their houses a little further downhill.

Safety guidelines

The telephone number for the emergency services is 112.

The information on this chart is subject to inevitable variations, so this means that none of the indications are absolute. It is not entirely possible to avoid giving inexact or imprecise information, given how quickly environmental and weather conditions can change. For this reason we decline any responsibility for changes which the user may encounter. In any case, the hiker is advised to check the conditions of the places, environment and weather before setting out.

Punto di partenza
Pranzo di Tenno

The proposed itinerary is a loop which starts at the town school in via Nino Pernici [panel 1].

Starting at the school, you soon reach the church of San Leonardo. Continue on down via Cavada [panels 3, 4, 5, 6] and keep going as far as the junction with via Guella, where you turn into this road. At the panel which shows the barber [7], turn into “via di Val” [panels 8 to 13]. Go on as far as the main road where you cross at the bus stop, shortly after the panel showing the chestnut [13]. Continue on down via dei Castagni until you come to what remains of an ancient oven on the right and eventually come back onto the main road below the traffic lights, at [panel 15] the doctor's house.

When you get to the car park near the old osteria [17] turn into the road which leads down to the town (in the direction of the church) and turn right at the first junction, going down via Noderi as far as the notary's house [18]. Turn right taking a detour to the panel  [20] dedicated to bricklayers, or to the left [panel 19] and the way back to the car park in via Nino Pernici.

public transportation

The hamlet of Pranzo is connected to Riva del Garda by the bus line B869 (Riva del Garda - Deva - Pranzo - Campi).

Up-to-date information on timetables and routes on the website of Trentino Trasporti.


How to get there

From Riva del Garda follow the SP37 road in the direction of Pranzo. 

Find out how to reach Garda Trentino.


Where to park

Free car parking available in via Nino Pernici at the start of the tour. 

This excursion is quite simple and presents no particular difficulty. However, we still recommend you to wear suitable footwear, a hat, sun screen and sunglasses. And be sure to bring water!


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